This week has seen me up to my armpits in Cif and scrubbing parts of showers I never knew existed with a toothbrush! I have one handy hint for chalet builders/designers and owners: Do not use those nasty pebbles surrounded by white grouting in a shower - the pebbles fall out and the grouting turns a nasty shade of orange! Luckily for our chalet owner he has me cleaning the showers...
We've had a fabulous last week with just 4 guests and my Dad for a night before his 'adventure' home resulting in the wrong train, the wrong bus, a missed plane and an unexpected stay in Geneva! He did eventually make it back to Liverpool airport none the worse for wear and he certainly did have an adventure! Just don't tell him that it could well have been me that sent him to the wrong train station to begin with...
I've now finished cooking for the season, minus breakfast tomorrow morning for two, and the fridge is looking rather bare! The freezer has been defrosted, the unused wine sent back to the hotel, useful food stuffs have gone to Charlie and we've got enough carrots for a small rabbit family to see us through the next week. We're actually being treated to dinner at the hotel most nights next week as we have two friends staying there. We're rather excited to see them and have to lots to catch up on and tell!
Megeve is slowly changing from a Winter Wonderland into a pretty Spring village. Little crocuses are popping up out of the grass, the snow has gone from the lower unpisted slopes and the meadows are coming through and turning very green in the beautiful warm sunshine. Don't be fooled though - the weather is changing and with it will be the return of the snow - the famous late dump! Hopefully it'll arrive just before we leave so we can have a couple more super ski days!
Talking of super ski days, we had a fabulous day yesterday with Tasha (the lovely chalet girl at the hotel) and Torie (a chalet girl that shares a room with Tasha). We skied the Rochebrune area with refreshments courtesy of Phil's magic backpack and chocolate courtesy of those lovely French guests we had at half term. We were supposed to meet the rest of the Ski Royale team at Le Boitet restaurant in St Gervais but Adamdiscovered it was closed and we were diverted! We went instead to Chez Ernestine and had a tasty lunch that Trade Descriptions would probably have had an issue with as 'Moussaka' it was not, but still, it was tasty and filling! Raspberry ice cream and raspberries was pretty good too and would definitely have passed Trade Descriptions.
We then skiied a bit more in the afternoon, took Tasha down a steeper red and then had to retire to the bar! After a well-earned hot chocolate, we tootled on down to the bottom, had showers and went into town for an aperitif! I have a sunburnt nose and panda-eyes to prove how sunny it was and legs that ache to prove how far we skiied!
Today Phil and I have just done a few runs over at Jaillet before all the snow disappears and, after battling with the snow grabbing at my skis all the time, we had lunch with a view and made our way home again. Tonight we have two guests but they're eating at the hotel, so it's carrot curry for us and an early start tomorrow as I think the clocks go forward. just two more showers to clean and that's it, our season is done!