Friday 25 July 2014

Something in the Air...

So, having realised I left you all in the lurch at the end of the season with a few days to go and then been massively busy since doing my other 'oh-so-terrible' job down on the French Riviera, I thought I would quickly bring you all up to speed.

Phil and I had a fab last week with two very good friends. We mostly skiied in the mornings, had lunch and chilled in the afternoons once the snow was too slushy for skiing on. Chris, first time skiier, got the bargain of the year by buying a weeks worth of group lessons and, although he only did 3 mornings (9 hours), he had one on one tuition for the bargain price of about £10 an hour!! Unfortunately on day 3, his ski instructor brought him back looking a little worse for wear and Lucinda, a usually very attentive girlfriend, had not heard her phone and we were soon to discover that Chris had tried off-piste in the mud but not waxed his skis! This resulted in a very bruised rib.

Injury aside it was a fab week. After that we had a couple of days to pack and finish the chalet and that's it we were off. Only we weren't leaving as the pair that we came as, we were leaving as a three...
Some people do their ski season and take home some French produce for their parents, or some designer gear for their friends or jewellery for their girlfriend. Some leave with less desirable things like a ski-bum boyfriend that the parents will just love or a vague memory of some 'great' nights. Others, like us, leave with great memories of fab skiing and an amazing company to work for, but this time we got more than we'd bargained for...

Sure enough, we've left with our own little ski bump due at the end of September just in time for the snow of 2014! 

For now, I'm enjoying a sunny summer on a yacht in the French Riviera and will get home to the UK just in time (legs crossed) for the bump to make it's grand entrance into the world...

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